9、RTAB-Map 3D mapping navigation9.1、Introduction9.2、Navigation9.3、Navigation obstacle avoidance9.4、Node rtabmap9.4.1、Subscribed Topics9.4.2、Published Topics9.4.3、Services9.4.4、Parameters9.4.5、tf transform9.5、Node rtabmapviz9.5.1、Subscribed Topics9.5.2、Parameters9.5.3、Required tf Transforms
This software package is the ROS function package of RTAB Map, which is an RGB-D SLAM method based on a global loop closure detector with real-time constraints. The software package can be used to generate a three-dimensional point cloud of the environment and create a two-dimensional occupancy grid map for navigation.
Start the command of the bottom layer, map building or navigation
roslaunch transbot_nav transbot_bringup.launch lidar_type:=a1 # Astra + laser + Transbot
roslaunch transbot_nav astra_bringup.launch # Astra + Transbot
roslaunch transbot_nav transbot_rtabmap.launch open_rviz:=False # mapping
roslaunch transbot_nav transbot_rtabmap_nav.launch open_rviz:=False # navigation
lidar_type parameter: the type of lidar used: [a1, a2, a3, s1, s2].
Note: Astra + laser + Transbot is the fusion of depth camera and lidar; Astra + Transbot refers to pure vision, mainly using the function package depthimage_to_laserscan to convert the depth image into lidar data (the scanning range is different from lidar), and its mapping function Same as lidar.
Start visualization
roslaunch transbot_nav view_rtabmap.launch # mapping visualization
roslaunch transbot_nav view_rtabmap_nav.launch # navigation visualization
View tf tree
rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree
Viewn node
Keyboard control node
xrosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py # system integration
After starting up according to the above method, you can choose any method to control the map creation (handle control is recommended); the slower the map creation, the better the effect (especially the angular speed); the robot is full of the area to be created.
When the map is completed, directly ctrl+c to exit the map node, the system will automatically save the map.
The default save path of the map is [~/.ros/rtabmap.db].
Note: [R2] on the handle can cancel the target point.
When the navigation mode is turned on, the system automatically loads a 2D raster map, and cannot directly load a 3D map. It needs to be loaded manually.
Load the 3D map (1, 2, 3), 4 is to add the rviz debugging tool.
Steps for usage
Place the robot at the origin and start the navigation function, the system will automatically match the position of the robot.
Single-point navigation:
Click the 【2D Nav Goal】 of the 【rviz】tool. Then use the mouse to select a target point on the map model where there are no obstacles. Release the mouse to start the navigation. Only one target point can be selected. Finally, robot car will move towards the target point form, after reaching the target point, the car will stop.
Multi-point navigation:
Click 【Publish Point】of the 【rviz】tool. Then select a target point where there are no obstacles on the map model, release the mouse to start navigation. You can click 【Publish Point】again, then select others point. Finally, robot car will cruise from point to point.
Name | Type | Analyze |
odom | nav_msgs/Odometry | Odometry stream. Required if parameters subscribe_depth or subscribe_stereo are true and odom_frame_id is not set. |
rgb/image | sensor_msgs/Image | RGB/Mono image |
rgb/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | RGB camera metadata. |
depth/image | sensor_msgs/Image | Registered depth image. |
scan | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Laser scan stream. |
scan_cloud | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Laser scan point cloud stream. |
left/image_rect | sensor_msgs/Image | Left RGB/Mono rectified image. |
left/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | Left camera metadata |
right/image_rect | sensor_msgs/Image | Right Mono rectified image. |
right/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | Right camera metadata |
goal | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Plan a path to reach this goal using the current online map. |
rgbd_image | rtabmap_ros/RGBDImage | RGB-D synchronized image, only when subscribe_rgbd is true . |
Name | Type | Analyze |
info | rtabmap_ros/Info | RTAB-Map's info. |
mapData | rtabmap_ros/MapData | RTAB-Map's graph and latest node data. |
mapGraph | rtabmap_ros/MapGraph | RTAB-Map's graph only. |
grid_map | nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid | Occupancy grid generated with laser scans |
proj_map | nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid | DEPRECATED: use /grid_map topic instead with Grid/FromDepth=true . |
cloud_map | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 3D point cloud generated from the assembled local grids |
cloud_obstacles | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 3D point cloud of obstacles generated from the assembled local grids |
cloud_ground | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 3D point cloud of ground generated from the assembled local grids. |
scan_map | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 3D point cloud generated with the 2D scans or 3D scans |
labels | visualization_msgs/MarkerArray | Convenient way to show graph's labels in RVIZ. |
global_path | nav_msgs/Path | Poses of the planned global path. Published only once for each path planned. |
local_path | nav_msgs/Path | Upcoming local poses corresponding to those of the global path. Published on every map update. |
goal_reached | std_msgs/Bool | Status message if the goal is successfully reached or not. |
goal_out | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Current metric goal sent from the rtabmap's topological planner. For example, this can be connected move_base_simple/goal to move_base。 |
octomap_full | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Get an OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_binary | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Get an OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_occupied_space | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | A point cloud of the occupied space (obstacles and ground) of the OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_obstacles | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | A point cloud of the obstacles of the OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_ground | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | A point cloud of the ground of the OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_empty_space | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | A point cloud of empty space of the OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_grid | nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid | The projection of the OctoMap into a 2D occupancy grid map. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
Name | Type | Analyze |
get_map | rtabmap_ros/GetMap | Call this service to get the standard 2D occupancy grid |
get_map_data | rtabmap_ros/GetMap | Call this service to get the map data |
publish_map | rtabmap_ros/PublishMap | Call this service to publish the map data |
list_labels | rtabmap_ros/ListLabels | Get current labels of the graph. |
update_parameters | std_srvs/Empty | The node will update with current parameters of the rosparam server |
reset | std_srvs/Empty | Delete the map |
pause | std_srvs/Empty | Pause mapping |
resume | std_srvs/Empty | Resume mapping |
trigger_new_map | std_srvs/Empty | The node will begin a new map |
backup | std_srvs/Empty | Backup the database to "database_path.back" (default ~/.ros/rtabmap.db.back) |
set_mode_localization | std_srvs/Empty | Set localization mode |
set_mode_mapping | std_srvs/Empty | Set mapping mode |
set_label | rtabmap_ros/SetLabel | Set a label to latest node or a specified node. |
set_goal | rtabmap_ros/SetGoal | Set a topological goal (a node id or a node label in the graph). |
octomap_full | octomap_msgs/GetOctomap | Get an OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
octomap_binary | octomap_msgs/GetOctomap | Get an OctoMap. Available only if rtabmap_ros is built with octomap. |
Name | Type | Default value | Analyze |
subscribe_depth | bool | true | Subscribe to depth image |
subscribe_scan | bool | false | Subscribe to laser scan |
subscribe_scan_cloud | bool | false | Subscribe to laser scan point cloud |
subscribe_stereo | bool | false | Subscribe to stereo images |
subscribe_rgbd | bool | false | Subsribe to rgbd_image topic |
frame_id | string | base_link | The frame attached to the mobile base. |
map_frame_id | string | map | The frame attached to the map. |
odom_frame_id | string | ‘ ’ | The frame attached to odometry. |
odom_tf_linear_variance | double | 0.001 | When odom_frame_id is used, the first 3 values of the diagonal of the 6x6 covariance matrix are set to this value. |
odom_tf_angular_variance | double | 0.001 | When odom_frame_id is used, the last 3 values of the diagonal of the 6x6 covariance matrix are set to this value. |
queue_size | int | 10 | Size of message queue for each synchronized topic. |
publish_tf | bool | true | Publish TF from /map to /odom. |
tf_delay | double | 0.05 | |
tf_prefix | string | ‘ ’ | Prefix to add to generated tf. |
wait_for_transform | bool | true | Wait (maximum wait_for_transform_duration sec) for transform when a tf transform is not still available. |
wait_for_transform_duration | double | 0.1 | Wait duration for wait_for_transform. |
config_path | string | ‘ ’ | Path of a config files containing RTAB-Map's parameters. Parameters set in the launch file overwrite those in the config file. |
database_path | string | .ros/rtabmap.db | Path of the RTAB-Map's database. |
gen_scan | bool | false | Generate laser scans from depth images (using the middle horizontal line of the depth image). Not generated if subscribe_scan or subscribe_scan_cloud are true. |
gen_scan_max_depth | double | 4.0 | Maximum depth of the laser scans generated. |
approx_sync | bool | false | Use approximate time synchronization of input messages. If false, note that the odometry input must have also exactly the same timestamps than the input images. |
rgbd_cameras | int | 1 | Number of RGB-D cameras to use (when subscribe_rgbd is true). Well for now, a maximum of 4 cameras can be synchronized at the same time. |
use_action_for_goal | bool | false | Use actionlib to send the metric goals to move_base. |
odom_sensor_sync | bool | false | Adjust image and scan poses relatively to odometry pose for each node added to graph. |
gen_depth | bool | false | Generate depth image from scan_cloud projection into RGB camera, taking into account displacement of the RGB camera accordingly to odometry and lidar frames. |
gen_depth_decimation | int | 1 | Scale down image size of the camera info received (creating smaller depth image). |
gen_depth_fill_holes_size | int | 0 | Fill holes of empty pixels up to this size. Values are interpolated from neighbor depth values. 0 means disabled. |
gen_depth_fill_iterations | double | 0.1 | Maximum depth error (m) to interpolate. |
gen_depth_fill_holes_error | int | 1 | Number of iterations to fill holes. |
map_filter_radius | double | 0.0 | Filter nodes before creating the maps. Only load data for one node in the filter radius (the latest data is used) up to filter angle (map_filter_angle). |
map_filter_angle | double | 30.0 | Angle used when filtering nodes before creating the maps. See also map_filter_radius. Used for all published maps. |
map_cleanup | bool | true | If there is no subscription to any map cloud_map, grid_map or proj_map, clear the corresponding data. |
latch | bool | true | If true, the last message published on the map topics will be saved and sent to new subscribers when they connect. |
map_always_update | bool | true | Always update the occupancy grid map even if the graph has not been updated |
map_empty_ray_tracing | bool | true | Do ray tracing to fill unknown space for invalid 2D scan's rays (assuming invalid rays to be infinite). Used only when map_always_update is also true. |
map → odom
This node starts the visualization interface of RTAB-Map. It is a wrapper for the RTAB-MapGUI library. Its purpose is the same as rviz, but with RTAB-Map specific options.
Name | Type | Analyze |
odom | nav_msgs/Odometry | Odometry stream. Required if parameters subscribe_depth or subscribe_stereo are true and odom_frame_id is not set. |
rgb/image | sensor_msgs/Image | RGB/Mono image. Should be rectified when subscribe_depth is true. Not required if parameter subscribe_stereo is true (use left/image_rect instead). |
rgb/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | RGB camera metadata. Not required if parameter subscribe_stereo is true (use left/camera_info instead). |
depth/image | sensor_msgs/Image | Registered depth image. Required if parameter subscribe_depth is true. |
scan | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Laser scan stream. Required if parameter subscribe_scan is true. |
scan_cloud | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Laser scan stream. Required if parameter subscribe_scan_cloud is true. |
left/image_rect | sensor_msgs/Image | Left RGB/Mono rectified image. Required if parameter subscribe_stereo is true. |
left/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | Left camera metadata. Required if parameter subscribe_stereo is true. |
right/image_rect | sensor_msgs/Image | Right Mono rectified image. Required if parameter subscribe_stereo is true. |
right/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | Right camera metadata. Required if parameter subscribe_stereo is true. |
odom_info | rtabmap_ros/OdomInfo | Odometry info. Required if parameter subscribe_odom_info is true. |
info | rtabmap_ros/Info | RTAB-Map's statistics info. |
mapData | rtabmap_ros/MapData | RTAB-Map's graph and latest node data. |
rgbd_image | rtabmap_ros/RGBDImage | RGB-D synchronized image, only when subscribe_rgbd is true. |
Parameters | Type | Default value | Analyze |
subscribe_depth | bool | false | Subscribe to depth image |
subscribe_scan | bool | false | Subscribe to laser scan |
subscribe_scan_cloud | bool | false | Subscribe to laser scan point cloud |
subscribe_stereo | bool | false | Subscribe to stereo images |
subscribe_odom_info | bool | false | Subscribe to odometry info messages |
subscribe_rgbd | bool | false | Subsribe to rgbd_image topic. |
frame_id | string | base_link | The frame attached to the mobile base. |
odom_frame_id | string | ‘ ’ | The frame attached to odometry. If empty, rtabmapviz will subscribe to odom topic to get odometry. If set, odometry is got from tf. |
tf_prefix | string | ‘ ’ | Prefix to add to generated tf. |
wait_for_transform | bool | false | Wait (maximum 1 sec) for transform when a tf transform is not still available. |
queue_size | int | 10 | Size of message queue for each synchronized topic. |
rgbd_cameras | int | 1 | Number of RGB-D cameras to use (when subscribe_rgbd is true). Well for now, a maximum of 4 cameras can be synchronized at the same time. |